Saturday, May 12, 2007


Dear Fellow HopePals,

I am just back from Thailand. Wah, the place is superb except for the language barrier (crazy!! chicken and duck) Neverthelss, I enjoyed the 'charade' of getting the message across. After all, I am rather animated, isn't it? LOL.

Here's something for you to read... Feel free to write and exchange views and even to share additional points that God have impressed in your heart as you study Hid word. Be bless!!
(P/S: Do turn to your Bible and make it as your Bible study session for every Scripture quoted).


There are many reasons to obey God... He just want us to do what He have said and also to trust Him in the process because He knows what is best for us.

Many times, you have to make sacrifices for the BEST THINGS you want in your life. Whenever it's hard for you to do what you know you need to do, ask the Holy Spirit to help you.Of course, you still have to be the one to TAKE THE FIRST STEP, no matter how much you don't want to. But when you do, the Holy Spirit will asssist you the rest of the way...

1. When I obey God, He hears my prayers. (Psalm 66:18)
2. When I obey God, I have a greater sense of His presence in my life. (John 14:23)
3. When I obey God, I have greater wisdom. (Proverbs 2:7)
4. When I obey God, I prove that I am His friend. (John 15:14)
5. When I obey God, I live in safety. (Leviticus 25:18)
6. When I obey God, I become a more loving person. (1 John 2:5)
7. When I obey God, blessings will come unto me. (Deuteronomy 11:26-27)
8. When I obey God, I am happier. (Proverbs 29:18)
9. When I obey God, I have peace. (Psalms 37:37)
10. When I obey God, I will live longer. (Proverbs 3:1-2)

Well, many times we find our life contradict with the above said statement...mainly due to our lack of obedience. I trust that we will grow in obedience to Him from glory to glory. I am still growing in this area as i have many things in life that I WANT. That 'I WANT' mentality have to be thrown out the door and be taken over by God and His Spirit if I am to walk in full obedience.

Lets do it together!

Another area that i would like to caution is the area of being under bad influence. Do guard our life and heart well above all else. Satan is a very smart fellow and he always corner God's
children@soldier in reaching their fullest potential. We can stand agaisnt his schemes... Below, are the details: - (There are much more - study the WOG)


1. God's Word (AMEN!).

Note that Jesus Himself used this weapon (His word) agaisnt the devil when He was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit and Satan came to tempt Him. (Matthew 4:1) One would think that if you were the Son of God you wouldnt have to go into the wilderness at all, let alone be tempted by the devil. But the tempter came to Him (see V3) the way he comes to all of us, and Jesus use the WOG to rebuke him (V4).

When the devil try to influence your life in any way, speak the Word like Jesus did. The moment you sense that you are under or being swayed by bad influences, run to the WOG and begin quoting it. Say, "I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me. " (Phil 4:13) The devil hates that and will leave you alone.

2. PRAISE!!!

That's right, the enemy hates it when we worship God! That's because he cant tolerate people worshipping anyone else except him. He detests it so much that he cant even be around it because when we praise God, His presence dwells powerfully in our midst.
I rest my case...

3. OBEDIENCE (Thats right - like i mentioned earlier, hehehe)

If we are walking in sin or living in disobedience in any way, this leaves the door open in our lives for the devil to gain foothold in our life. Somethimes, bad things happen when our own ongoing sin gives the enemy an invitation to erect a stronghold in our life. (beware that not all bad things happen because of this too - evaluate how we live our life...)

In an actual sense, Satan do not have any RIGHT in our life nor OWNERSHIP, but disobedience to God automatically puts out a 'WELCOME' mat for him... You can shut those doors in his face by confessing and repenting them before our Lord.


Keep in mind my dear that the enemy is planting landmines out ahead of you. You will not have any idea where they are because they are not visible to the human eyes. The way to avoid them is to walk closely to the Lord and let Him guide our steps. (Even the thoughts of man are deceitful - therefore be careful to listen to man. Ensure those giving you words in your life are BIBLICALLY SOUND).

God also did say about the enemy in his word, that we are to 'resist him, steadfast in faith...' (1 Peter 5:9). That means we have to put our faithin God and refuseto do what the enemy wants. Walking under God's influence through faith in God's Word is a powerful way to avoid the enemy's trap.


Talk to God - Satan hates it! That is because he knows that God hears our prayers and answers (according to His will and purpose lar). The enemy will try hard to get us to doubt that God actually hears us at all times so he can weaken us.

DONT fall for this LIE! Remember, even short prayers done in faith has enough power to break the back of the enemy! (AMEN!!!) Do visit this site once more for the photo's taken in Thailand.

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